Updated Website

So it’s finally complete, well complete for now. Small Farm Design has been updated with the largest addition to this site being the new design and experience blog. My goal is to provide information for small businesses that will help them when selecting a designer, figuring out if a website redesign is necessary, or to provide assistance in creating the best user experience.

I hope you find something useful while you are here. If you don’t please feel free to ask questions or request something specific and I’ll do my best to fulfill the request.

Welcome to the Farm.

The T-Shirt That Texts Back

Text SmallFarm to 41411

It’s always interesting to see creative thinking people bridge online and offline experiences.

For example I have created a t-shirt that has a question printed on the front along with a number that you can text message to. Which after doing so the person will receive an answer. In this case the user is prompted to go back online to Small Farm Design — making a complete bridge experience from shirt to phone to website

Sorry Mr. Godin, Randomly Picking Logo Is Not a Great Idea

There hasn’t been any shortage of news around the 2012 Olympic logo and how it fails to deliver on the core message. However, I think Seth Godin comments miss the mark with what the purpose of a logo is.

He quotes:

“If you’re given the task of finding a logo for an organization, your first task should be to try to get someone else to do it. If you fail at that, find an abstract image that is clean and simple and carries very little meaning–until your brand adds that meaning. It’s not a popularity contest. Or a job for a committee. It’s not something where you should run it by a focus group. It’s just a placeholder, a label waiting to earn some meaning.”

Mr. Godin suggest that if you need to “find” a logo for your company you should just pick an abstract image and you will be fine. He is serious?

OK, I’m sure that works but is it putting your best foot forward? Also, the companies he writes about (Nike, Apple, Starbucks) have huge marketing budgets that do nothing but pound these brands in our heads. Also, I don’t believe none of those companies just picked a random image.

I do agree completely with his statement that a company shouldn’t have to spend a fortune to create a logo but to just pick some random image that doesn’t portray anything about your company is a mistake. Customers are quick to judge and having a logo that doesn’t portray your company accurately, or professionally for that matter, doesn’t seem to be the best idea.

Should I Re-Design My Website

My site is working fine. The links work. Content is added regularly. We have new features. Why does my company need a re-design?

Those are all great things. Sites should be updated regularly, have new features added, and by far have working links. However, as the site grows it soon outgrows its foundation. Leading to an unorganized use of content, poor usability, and eventually chaos. A re-design is a perfect opportunity to take an inventory and put things back on track. It will also allow for a better user experience.
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